Movies about AI and robots

Robots without AI are just dumb machines, so quite logically robots that appear in sci-fi stories are strongly connected to AI. Here is an incomplete list of such movies which I found noteworthy in a good or bad way. I am sure I forgot some obvious ones but there will still be plenty of more obscure ones. Either way I am happy to have your remarks and pointers in the comments or messages.

I will start with a list featuring androids, which are robots that are not only humanoid but effectively so well-made that they are indistinguishable from real humans. The second list is with robots of any kind, the third one is about related movies featuring some kind cyborg or otherwise hybrid human-artificial intelligent beings. Adding a forth one which I think is also related about (it is all a) simulation hypothesis.

Movies with androids


Other robot or AI movies


Simulation hypothesis

  • Welt am Draht (World on a Wire), 1972, Fassbinder, Two part TV show, great style and mood. Story by Daniel F. Galoye, 1964, Simulacron-3,
  • The thirtenth floor, remake of Welt am Draht / re-adaptation of Simulacron-3
  • Matrix trilogy, for completeness

Aliens and alien robot embodiment


  • Star Wars of course, but this one is so big I will leave to specialist sites / people.


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