how to make flatcat audio work

log into flatcat, ctrl-C on ux0_serial and start ./ux0_serial_osc, or boot into ux0_serial_osc automatically via editing

vim jetpack/flatcat_setup/boot/

to point to ./ux0_serial_osc

for nupg setup, go to

cd /home/src/supercollider/scapps/flatcat

and run


this takes /flatcat messages on 8999, does some pre-processing and the projection. outgoing messages on /flatcat2nupg that can be plugged directly into the nupg channel control set.

to reload the projection matrix use this command. the density parameter (0.8) can be varied between 0 and 1

oscsend localhost 8999 /matrix_reload f 0.8

to run the audio, start supercollider / scide open the /home/src/supercollider/nupg/startup-interactive.scd file and run that. it starts the nupg and spawns the GUI. in the server window, click the boot button to start the server.

open /home/src/supercollider/scapps/flatcat/

and run the code blocks

to use NTMI, stop the script, as NTMI uses the /flatcat data directly

open ~/ and run the line with;

again, the NTMI GUI starts

open flatcat2NTMI_basic.scd or flatcat2NTMI_better.scd and run the respective file entirely (execute buffer)

note: in ~/NTMI/flatcat.desc.scd you need to add your flatcat source address for supercollider to accept the messages. if you use flatty in ap mode this is better, actually because the source IP is always the same.


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